
Zhongshan carton printing machinery: how to solve printing double image and white leakage?

2021-04-17 1005

How to deal with double image and leakage of carton printing machine equipment:

The problems of carton printing machine in use should be well handled in time to ensure the power and value in use. Then how to deal with the printing ghost and white leakage in use? Here is a brief introduction:

1. Do not delay the normal production and life, ensure the quality of the actual use. There will be problems in the process of corrugated box ink printing, such as the phenomenon of double shadow and white leakage in the printed food, which leads to the quality problems of different cartons. The reason for this problem is very obvious. It is the printing machine fault. According to the methods and methods, it is necessary to analyze it, protect and repair it well, and ensure the treatment of the problem.


2. These are two common problems in the production process. When printing pictures or words, there is double shadow around them, which is caused by the excessive pressure between the anilox roller and the printing plate; when printing words, there is double shadow at the front edge, which is caused by the excessive pressure between the printing roller and the impression roller; when printing large areas, the bottom and white leakage are caused by the insufficient pressure between the printing roller and the impression roller.

3. The gap and pressure between the anilox roller and the plate roller should be adjusted to deal with the printing ghost problem. Secondly, pay attention to adjust the gap and orientation of feed roller and traction roller at the front and rear of each printing machine, especially when the width of paperboard is too narrow. In case of partial coloring, two traction belts should be added at the edge of each plate to ensure the smooth transition of the paperboard in the printing process; in addition, due to the different warpage degree of corrugated paperboard.

Article source: Zhongshan carton printing machinery Co., Ltdhttp://www.crashcapsule.com

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